Frank Badohu-Ghana
Email : frank@ml4lyfe.com
Tel : +233 20 811 0440
Education: University of Ghana Legon 1975 (LLB). Ghana Law School (BL 1978) Post Graduate Diploma in International Law and International Humanitarian Law 1994 N.Y. (1997-1998). Assistant State Attorney, Tamale Ghana (1980 – 1981) Senior Counsel Naoferg Chambers Accra (1986-1996) special OAU Envoy to Namibia and Legal Adviser to the OAU observer mission in Windhoek Namibia. (1993-1996) Legal Adviser U.N Headquarters N.Y. (1996-1998) Legal Adviser to the Government of Ghana and the Divestiture Implementation Committee Programme (Privatisation expert) July 2000 -2001 appointed Head Legal Adviser jointly by Ghana’s Finance Ministry and the World Ghana’s procurement Act (Procurement/Legal Expert).
1999 to date – Private Legal Practitioner Accra – Member of GBA, and former member of its Human Rights Committee. Founder and Executive Director of the Ghana Centre for the protection of Human Rights 2000 – to date. Has been since 1990 Vice President and representative for Anglophone Africa for the Association of African Jurists, AJA Dakar Senegal.
FOCUS: Maritime, Aviation, Commercial, Corporate, Real Property, Civil
Litigation, IT & ICT Law Privatisation/Procurement Expert.